Introduction and Functionality List of Xpapers Plugin


Effortlessly find real academic papers on arXiv. Dive into abstracts, references, and access public PDF URLs.


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The Xpapers plugin is a powerful academic tool designed for researchers and academic enthusiasts. It allows users to search for academic papers in the arXiv database, an open-access repository of papers across various disciplines. Users can use atomic conditions and boolean assembly to refine their search queries, finding the papers that best suit their research needs. The Xpapers plugin not only provides search capabilities but also offers public PDF links, allowing users to directly access and download the full text of papers. This plugin is a powerful research tool, providing excellent assistance whether you are conducting a literature review or looking for the latest research on a specific topic.


  • Search for academic papers in the arXiv database.
  • Use atomic conditions and boolean assembly for refined search.
  • Provide public PDF links for papers.
  • Search papers by date.
  • Search papers by ID.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Xpapers ChatGPT Plugin?


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