WP Interact - ChatGPT Plugin for Fetching and Searching WordPress Posts

WP Interact

Fetch or search posts from self-hosted WordPress websites, opening new possibilities for smart interaction with content.


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WP Interact is a powerful ChatGPT plugin that pulls content directly from WordPress posts, opening new possibilities for information retrieval and interaction. Whether it's pulling the full content of a specific post from a given URL or fetching multiple posts with the title, date, excerpt, and link, WP Interact can do it with ease. Moreover, it supports AI-powered search functionality, allowing for intelligent searches within a WordPress blog for the most relevant results. WP Interact also supports pagination, allowing users to customize the number of posts displayed per page and navigate through different sets of posts. Additionally, users can retrieve specific details from the content of posts, such as headings, images, links, quotes, lists, etc. In the future, WP Interact plans to support the creation of new WordPress posts, providing even more convenience for users.


  • Fetch posts from WordPress websites.
  • Perform AI-powered searches within a WordPress blog.
  • Support for pagination and navigation.
  • Pull content from a single post.
  • Retrieve specific details from the content of posts.
  • Plan to support the creation of new WordPress posts.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the WP Interact ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-204b1dec-72b9-4acf-b36d-b8046b10b974","domain":"www.wpinteract.com","namespace":"wpinteract","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"wpinteract","name_for_human":"WP Interact","description_for_model":"Plugin to fetch or search WordPress posts from a given URL. When fetching mutiple posts, it shows 10 posts by default with the title, date, excerpt, and link. After the specified number of posts in per_page has been shown, it asks the user if they wish to see more posts. If a specific post URL is provided, it displays a single post with the full content of the post, including Markdown for headers, links, images, lists, code, quotes, and other HTML elements.","description_for_human":"Fetch or search posts from self-hosted WordPress websites, opening new possibilities for smart interaction with content.","auth":{"type":"service_http","instructions":"","authorization_type":"bearer","verification_tokens":{"openai":"8d2d6375bd484000a1bb92ed6c58b816"}},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/www.wpinteract.com\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/www.wpinteract.com\/logo.png","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/www.wpinteract.com"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[]}
