Talkface IELTS Prep - A ChatGPT Plugin Designed for IELTS Speaking Test

Talkface IELTS Prep

Use the latest IELTS Speaking exam questions to prep your IELTS speaking with Talkface.


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Talkface IELTS Prep is a ChatGPT plugin designed specifically for the preparation of the IELTS Speaking exam. It simulates the real IELTS Speaking test environment, providing users with the latest IELTS Speaking exam questions to help improve their English speaking skills. Users can rate like a real IELTS examiner and give advice on how to improve their performance. Whether you are a candidate preparing for the IELTS exam or a learner hoping to improve your English speaking skills, Talkface IELTS Prep will be your ideal choice.


  • Get a random topic for IELTS speaking test part 1.
  • Get a random task for IELTS speaking test part 2.
  • Provide professional IELTS speaking test scoring.
  • Provide advice on improving speaking performance.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Talkface IELTS Prep ChatGPT Plugin?


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