Introduction to Statis Fund Finance Plugin

Statis Fund Finance

Financial data tool for analyzing equities. You can get price quotes, analyze moving averages, RSI, and more.


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Statis Fund Finance is a powerful financial data tool designed specifically for equity analysis. It can retrieve real-time financial data from Yahoo Finance, including historical data, moving averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), trading volume, volatility, price changes, and Bollinger Bands. Users can adjust the start date, end date, and interval for each operation as needed. By simply entering the ticker symbol of the stock, users can access a wealth of financial information to help make more informed investment decisions.


  • Fetch Historical Data: Provides historical price data for a given stock ticker symbol, including opening, closing, high, and low prices along with trading volume.
  • Calculate Moving Average: Calculates the moving average for a given stock ticker symbol over a specified number of days.
  • Compute Relative Strength Index (RSI): Calculates the RSI for a given stock ticker symbol over a specified period.
  • Get Trading Volume: Retrieves the trading volume for a given stock ticker symbol over a specified period.
  • Calculate Volatility: Calculates the volatility for a given stock ticker symbol over a specified period.
  • Compute Price Changes: Calculates the price change for a given stock ticker symbol over a specified period.
  • Generate Bollinger Bands: Generates Bollinger Bands for a given stock ticker symbol over a specified period.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Statis Fund Finance ChatGPT Plugin?


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