Service Check: All-in-One Network Service Inspection Tool

Service Check

Check if services are running and how fast they are responding. You can check Website, Email, Domain Lookup and Ping.


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The Service Check plugin is a powerful online service monitoring tool provided by It allows users to real-time check the operational status and response speed of various online services. Whether you are a website administrator, IT expert, or an ordinary user, you can effortlessly utilize this plugin to examine website loading times, email server responses, domain name resolution, and network connection ping values. The Service Check plugin offers an all-in-one network monitoring solution, ensuring that your online services are always at their best.


  • CheckHttp: Checks the loading time of a website's HTML page.
  • CheckSmtp: Tests the helo message of an email server.
  • CheckDns: Performs a DNS lookup for a host address.
  • CheckIcmp: Pings a host address to check network connectivity.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Service Check ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-f5d58ba0-0df8-4674-b7a5-b47d16cdd61c","domain":"","namespace":"serviceCheck","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"serviceCheck","name_for_human":"Service Check","description_for_model":"Check if services are running and how fast they are resonding . Services available are CheckHttp for website html page load time checking , CheckSmtp for testing a helo message to email servers, CheckDns for a dns lookup of the host address and CheckImcp to ping the host address.","description_for_human":"Check if services are running and how fast they are responding. You can check Website, Email, Domain Lookup and Ping.","auth":{"type":"service_http","instructions":"","authorization_type":"bearer","verification_tokens":{"openai":"969de6d9e91d476ca78afce96cf4705f"}},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/img\/logo-square.png","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/privacypolicy.html"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
