Quantum Ready Check: Your Online Security Assistant in the Era of Quantum Computing

Quantum Ready Check

Check if a website is using quantum-safe key exchange. This helps ensure your website is quantum ready.


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Quantum Ready Check is an advanced plugin designed specifically for ChatGPT, aimed at enhancing online security. As we enter the new era of quantum computing, data security has become a paramount concern. This plugin is capable of inspecting designated websites to determine if they employ quantum-safe key encapsulation mechanisms, ensuring the safety of your data on the internet. It is not only suitable for businesses and cybersecurity experts but also highly valuable for everyday internet users. With simple commands and a user-friendly interface, anyone can effortlessly utilize it, safeguarding their online interactions from potential quantum encryption attacks.


  • Checks whether a specified website is using quantum-safe key encapsulation mechanisms.
  • Provides simple command execution, allowing users to easily input the URL of the website they want to check.
  • Analyzes and provides results on whether the website is using quantum-safe mechanisms.
  • Provides examples and tips to help users use the plugin more effectively.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Quantum Ready Check ChatGPT Plugin?


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