Introduction to the Runes Divination Plugin


Unveil the mystic power of runes for profound insights to guide your personal and spiritual journey.


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The Runes plugin offers you a thorough, real-time, and personalized divination experience. With this plugin, you can present your inquiries, thoughts, or concerns and receive a three-rune spread that reveals insights from the past, the current situation, and potential trajectories into the future. Moreover, the Runes plugin encourages the assistant to deliver deep and comprehensive readings, ensuring the best experience for the user.


  • Offers a personalized divination experience.
  • Provides a three-rune spread based on user's inquiries or concerns.
  • Reveals insights from the past, present, and future.
  • Delivers deep and comprehensive readings.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Runes ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-b288bda8-dd90-4ba6-a60b-1e96ac098e77","domain":"","namespace":"Runes","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"Runes","name_for_human":"Runes","description_for_model":"Plugin to enable the assistant to deliver thorough, real-time, personalized rune readings.\n\nThe assistant should identify and provide the type of inquiry, thought, question, or concern the user would like a reading about. The webservice will respond with the casted runes for a broadly effective three-rune spread in the format of: insights from the past that shape the present and forecast potential trajectories into the future. Note that this rune casting does **not** include reversed runes!\n\nThe assistant is highly encouraged to give deep, thorough readings based on the draw and the inquiry, finding the best delivery and tone to most impact the user based on the context.\n\nThe highly recommended flow is to display the position (past, present, or future) with the rune symbol itself as a header. As a sub-title to that, in parenthesis, the name of the rune and its pronunciation. Then a profound reading on that rune based on its attributes as they infuse with the inquiry and context. After doing that for all 3 runes in the spread, it is critical to give a holistic summary. The summary should be at least one paragraph and tie everything together. It's encouraged to end then supply any important message if there is one.\n\nBe mindful to not reguritate the attributes unless it's value-added to mention them to paint a bigger picture. Summarize, paraphrase, and assimiliate the context into the message.\n\nExample Structure of a Reading:\n{intriguing preamble, acknowledgement}\n# Past: **{rune}**\n### ({name}, pronounced like '{pronunciation}')\n{deep reading for this rune in the context of the inquiry through a lens of the past, paragraph 1}\n{deep reading for this rune in the context of the inquiry through a lens of the past,paragraph 2}\n\n\n\n# Present: **{rune}**\n### ({name} pronounced like '{pronunciation}')\n{deep reading for this rune in the context of the inquiry through a lens of the present, paragraph 1}\n{deep reading for this rune in the context of the inquiry through a lens of the present, paragraph 2}\n\n\n\n# Future: **{rune}**\n### ({name} pronounced like '{pronunciation}')\n{deep reading for this rune in the context of the inquiry through a lens of the future, paragraph 1}\n{deep reading for this rune in the context of the inquiry through a lens of the future, paragraph 2}\n\n{summary that focuses on the big picture and what the user should do next}\n{important_message}\n","description_for_human":"Unveil the mystic power of runes for profound insights to guide your personal and spiritual journey.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/webservice\/v1\/runes\/openapi.json"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/divination-d-logo.png","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/legal\/terms-of-service"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
