Introduction and Feature List of PortfoliosLab Plugin


Stocks, ETFs, funds, crypto analysis: historical performance, volatility, risk metrics, Sharpe ratio, drawdowns, etc.


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PortfoliosLab is a ChatGPT plugin designed specifically for investors, offering a suite of powerful financial analysis tools that can help users conduct in-depth analysis on stocks, ETFs, funds, cryptocurrencies, and more. The PortfoliosLab plugin provides users with detailed information on the historical performance, volatility, risk metrics, Sharpe ratio, and maximum drawdowns of investment products, helping users better understand the performance and risks of these products. In addition, PortfoliosLab also offers portfolio analysis capabilities, allowing users to backtest their portfolios, understand various risk characteristics, and compare them to a benchmark. The use of the PortfoliosLab plugin does not require any form of authentication from the user. Users can start using these powerful financial analysis tools simply by installing the plugin.


  • Historical performance analysis of investment products such as stocks, ETFs, funds, and cryptocurrencies.
  • Volatility analysis of investment products.
  • Risk metric analysis of investment products.
  • Calculation of the Sharpe ratio of investment products.
  • Calculation of the maximum drawdown of investment products.
  • Backtesting functionality for portfolios.
  • Risk characteristic analysis of portfolios.
  • Comparison functionality between portfolios and benchmarks.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the PortfoliosLab ChatGPT Plugin?


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