Introduction to Polygon Plugin


Market data, news, and fundamentals for stocks, options, forex, and crypto from


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The Polygon plugin is a powerful financial market data tool that provides rich market data, news, and financial filings for stocks, options, forex, and crypto. Whether you're an investor, trader, or financial analyst, Polygon can provide you with real-time and historical financial data to help you make smarter investment decisions.


  • Get the latest price dynamics of stocks, options, cryptocurrencies, and forex.
  • Get aggregate bars for a stock, option, crypto, or forex over a given date range.
  • Get the most recent news articles related to a stock ticker symbol.
  • List all conditions that uses.
  • Get a list of historical cash dividends.
  • List all exchanges that knows about.
  • Query for historical options contracts.
  • Get historical financial data for a stock ticker.
  • Get an options contract.
  • Get a list of historical stock splits.
  • List all tickers supported by Polygon.
  • Get a single ticker supported by Polygon.
  • Get a timeline of events for the entity associated with a given ticker, CUSIP, or Composite FIGI.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Polygon ChatGPT Plugin?


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