Introduction to Aus Petrol Prices Plugin

Aus Petrol Prices

Ask for the average daily petrol price for any state or capital city region in Australia!


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Aus Petrol Prices is a handy ChatGPT plugin that provides users with the average daily petrol prices in any state or capital city region in Australia. No matter where you are in Australia, you can easily get the latest petrol price information with this plugin. The data of this plugin comes from the Petrol Price Predictor website, which is dedicated to predicting and providing petrol prices across Australia to help users save on petrol costs. With the Aus Petrol Prices plugin, you can access the most up-to-date and accurate petrol price information at any time and place.


  • Provides the average daily petrol prices for any state or capital city region in Australia.
  • Real-time data updates to ensure the accuracy of the petrol price information obtained by users.
  • User-friendly interface for users to quickly check petrol prices.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Aus Petrol Prices ChatGPT Plugin?


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