Dover Assistant - Professionally Generate Recruiting Emails

Dover Assistant

Generate a personalized email to someone you're interested in reaching out to for a job opportunity.


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Dover Assistant is a plugin designed for ChatGPT, primarily used for generating an email to someone you're interested in reaching out to for a job opportunity. Whether you're looking for new job opportunities or hoping to recruit the right talent, Dover Assistant can help you craft professional and personalized emails that make a great first impression in the professional world. The plugin is provided by Dover, requires no form of authentication, and is easy to install and use.


  • Generate recruiting email: Dover Assistant can help users generate a professional and personalized recruiting email.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Dover Assistant ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-54dff653-0d7e-4a0e-aee7-5d1c43b8d34b","domain":"","namespace":"dover_outreach","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"dover_outreach","name_for_human":"Dover Assistant","description_for_model":"Tool for generating an email to someone you're interested in reaching out to for a job opportunity.","description_for_human":"Generate a personalized email to someone you're interested in reaching out to for a job opportunity.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/logo.png","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/subscription-agreement"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
