Introduction to TopHap Plugin


Enriched real estate data and location-based tools.


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TopHap is a plugin designed for ChatGPT, offering enriched real estate data and location-based tools. Whether you're a real estate agent, a buyer, or a real estate enthusiast, TopHap provides you with accurate and reliable real estate data to make informed decisions. You can find the best properties and neighborhoods based on your preferences and budget. With TopHap, you can easily access detailed information for a single property, search for properties within a specific area or radius, retrieve property statistics for a specific area, and search for properties sold within a specific timeframe. Start using TopHap today and discover your dream property.


  • Retrieve details for a single property: Get detailed information for a property based on its ID or address.
  • Public search: Returns basic property objects within a specified polygon or radius criteria. You can filter by various parameters such as sold price, estimate price, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, living area, and year built.
  • Retrieve property statistics for a specific zone: Get property statistics for a specific zone, region, or area.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the TopHap ChatGPT Plugin?


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