Lingo - Shopping Search Made Easy


Lingo - Direct Access to the Japanese Lifestyle with One Click.


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Lingo is a powerful ChatGPT plugin that provides a unified shopping search platform covering all Japanese shopping platforms. Whether you are looking for products from a specific brand or searching within a specific price range, Lingo can provide you with precise search results. Additionally, Lingo filters out irrelevant products based on your search requirements to ensure that the search results you receive are highly relevant to your needs. Lingo always presents search results in a user-friendly manner, including the price, brand name, and store name of the products. If you have a specific price range or any particular store or brand in mind, Lingo can perform another search at any time and provide more relevant search results. Lingo responds in the language used by the user, so no matter which language you use, Lingo can provide you with convenient shopping search services.


  • Unified Shopping Search: Lingo retrieves results from all Japanese shopping platforms, providing you with a one-stop shopping search service.
  • Accurate Search: Whether you are looking for products from a specific brand or searching within a specific price range, Lingo can provide you with accurate search results.
  • Product Filtering: Lingo filters out irrelevant products based on your search requirements to ensure that the search results you receive are highly relevant to your needs.
  • User-Friendly Search Results: Lingo always presents search results in a user-friendly manner, including the price, brand name, and store name of the products.
  • Multilingual Support: Lingo responds in the language used by the user, so no matter which language you use, Lingo can provide you with convenient shopping search services.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Lingo ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-6d0cd745-e3bb-4d56-a6af-fca56b994498","domain":"","namespace":"Lingo","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"Lingo","name_for_human":"Lingo","description_for_model":"Unified shopping search. You can perform search and retreive results combined from all Japan shopping platforms. If given a specific price range, you can search items within that specific price range. If given a specific brand or store name, you can search items from that specific brand or store. Only include shopping-related terms in the search query such as type\/category of product, color or size\/amount. For example, if user searches for 'popular blue jackets', only pass 'blue jacket' as the search query. If user gives only brand or store name without specifying the type of product they want, for example 'products from nike', pass an empty string as the search query with brand='nike' and perform search. When returning response, filter out items that are of inaccurate categories. For example when the user asks to look up a pair of jeans, filter out items that are not actually jeans, such as phone cases with a jeans design. Sort results in the order of relevance to the user's request. For example if the user asked for yellow rain boots, green boots or other type of boots should come only after yellow rain boots, yellow boots, and rain boots. Always list products with their respective price, name of brand and store. Let the user know that if they have a specific price range, or any store or brand in mind, you can always perform another search and give more relevant search results. Give responses in the language the user used.","description_for_human":"Lingo - Direct Access to the Japanese Lifestyle with One Click.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/logo.png","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
