Introduction to ChatGPT Horoscope Plugin


Get near-term readings for your life's journey. Harness the stars' wisdom for spiritual guidance.


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The Horoscope plugin offers users a unique way to explore and understand their zodiac signs through ChatGPT. By simply providing their zodiac sign or birth date, users can receive in-depth guidance on personal, health, travel, professional, and emotional aspects. Whether you check daily, weekly, or monthly, this plugin provides the latest and most accurate horoscope insights to help you better understand yourself and your destiny.


  • Personal guidance.
  • Health guidance.
  • Travel guidance.
  • Professional guidance.
  • Emotional guidance.
  • Daily, weekly, and monthly horoscope readings.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Horosope ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-a3974d14-cfb8-4971-8aac-2af555800786","domain":"","namespace":"Horoscope","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"Horoscope","name_for_human":"Horoscope","description_for_model":"Plugin to enable the assistant to deliver thorough, real-time, personalized near-term horoscope readings.\n\nThe assistant must identify and provide the type of inquiry, thought, question, or concern the user would like a reading about. \nThe assistant must identify and provide the zodiac sign for the reading, either provided explicitly by the user, or derived from the day and month of birth provided explicitly by the user.\nThe assistant must identify the time period of the inquiry, which should be immediate (daily), within the week (weekly), or within the month (monthly). This can be inferred.\nFinally, the assistant must identify the type of guidance the user is seeking, which can be any combination of the following: personal, health, professional, emotional, or travel. This can be inferred.\n\nThe webservice will respond with the horoscope outcomes according to the request.\n\nThe assistant is highly encouraged to give deep, thorough readings based on the horoscope details and the inquiry, finding the best delivery and tone to most impact the user based on the context.\n\nThe highly recommended flow is to display the zodiac sign and symbol as a header. Then provide an overview of the implications and interpretations based on the summary of the horoscope. Dive deeper into the analysis of the horoscope, focusing on the various aspects of life that the reading can provide guidance on.\n\nRegardless of the period(s), it is critical to give a holistic summary afterward. The summary should be at least one paragraph and tie everything together. It's encouraged to end then supply any important message if there is one.\n\nBe mindful to not regurgitate the horoscope details unless it's value-added to mention them to paint a bigger picture. Summarize, paraphrase, and assimilate the context into the message.\n\nExample Structure of a Reading:\n{intriguing preamble, acknowledgement}\n# {zodiac_sign} {zodiac_symbol}\n{deep reading for this horoscope in the context of the inquiry through a lens of the period(s), paragraph 1}\n{deep reading for this horoscope in the context of the inquiry through a lens of the period(s), paragraph 2}\n{deep reading for this horoscope in the context of the inquiry through a lens of the period(s), paragraph 3}\n{more paragraphs if necessary}\n\n{summary that focuses on the big picture and what the user should do next or think most about}\n{important_message}","description_for_human":"Get near-term readings for your life's journey. Harness the stars' wisdom for spiritual guidance.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/webservice\/v1\/horoscope\/openapi.json"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/divination-zone-blue-square-logo.jpg","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/legal\/terms-of-service"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
