Introduction to the OpenTools AI Plugin

OpenTools AI

Find the right AI tools for your needs from the largest collection on the web.


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OpenTools AI is a powerful ChatGPT plugin dedicated to helping users find the most suitable AI tools from a vast selection. Whether you need to create music, design images, or perform data analysis, OpenTools AI can provide you with the optimal tool recommendations. It not only offers basic information about the tools but also includes pricing details, allowing you to manage costs while meeting your needs. OpenTools AI is your ultimate assistant for finding AI tools.


  • Search for specific categories of AI tools based on keywords.
  • Provide basic information about the tools, including the tool's name, OpenTools URL, and a brief overview.
  • Offer pricing information for the tools.
  • Provide category information for the tools.
  • Provide platform availability information for the tools.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the OpenTools AI ChatGPT Plugin?


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