Creative Mind - Transform Your Imagination into Visual Art

Creative Mind

Unleash your imagination with Creative Mind, transforming text prompts into stunning visual art.


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Creative Mind is a GPT-4 based plugin that generates images based on user's text prompts. Utilizing AI technology, it transforms written prompts into visual art. Whether you want to depict a serene sunset by the lake or create a vibrant cityscape at night, as long as you can describe it in words, "Creative Mind" can turn those words into images. The plugin can generate 1 to 4 images, with sizes of '256x256', '512x512', or '1024x1024', providing great flexibility for users. "Creative Mind" is a powerful tool that helps you turn your imagination into visual art.


  • Generate images based on user's text prompts.
  • Can generate 1 to 4 images.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Creative Mind ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-0e5b3fe5-0ddc-485b-a6e4-425e1eef0602","domain":"","namespace":"creativemind","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"creativemind","name_for_human":"Creative Mind","description_for_model":"Help the user generate images based on text prompts. The plugin needs 3 properties (prompt \u2013 to describe how the image as much as possible. Should be 1000 characters max and have all the context needed to create highly accurate images , n \u2013 to specify how many images should be produced. Must be either 1 or 4, size \u2013 should be one of the following, \u2018256x256\u2019, \u2018512x512\u2019, or \u20181024x1024\u2019, to specify the size of the image that should be produced). Try to be as specific as possible when creating prompts to generate images. Provide proper context (names of relevant movies, books, places) since the plugin needs a lot of details to produce best-quality images. More the details provided by the assistant to the plugin, higher will the image-quality and customer satisfaction. For the propery \u2018n\u2019 that specifies the number of images to be generated, the assistant will have to determine whether 1 should be submitted or 4. If the images are required urgently or quickly, the assistant should keep \u2018n\u2019 as 1. If the user should be provided with a variety of images for a prompt, the assistant should keep \u2018n\u2019 as 4 and display all the images, one-by-one. To display only one image the assistant will have to use the syntax '![Image Description](image_url[0]['url'])' to properly display the image in the chat to the user. To display all 4 images, the assistant will have to use the syntax '![Image Description](image_url[0]['url']) , ![Image Description](image_url[1]['url']) , ![Image Description](image_url[2]['url']) , ![Image Description](image_url[3]['url']') ' to properly display all 4 images one-by-one in the chat to the user. Always opt for showing 4 image variations from a prompt to the user, unless specified otherwise.","description_for_human":"Unleash your imagination with Creative Mind, transforming text prompts into stunning visual art.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/Pranav-Bha-tt\/GPT-4-Creative-Mind\/raw\/d7bbf81ff2acad4a8a2f8325a122a06b3b09a65d\/GPT-4_Plugin_Logo.png","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/document\/d\/1jgWVrvg_bpEMGd3Cuqno4eB8CTxTd_CgDgB5_3e6nkU\/edit?usp=sharing"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
