Engage AI: The ChatGPT Plugin for Auto-generating LinkedIn Comments

Engage AI

Retrieve hashtag follower counts, trends & suggestions to increase your content reach on LinkedIn.


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Engage AI is a ChatGPT Chrome extension specifically designed for LinkedIn, aiming to assist users in crafting in-depth LinkedIn comments, building relationships, and connecting with potential clients. Not only can it generate memorable, authentic, insightful, and relevant comments, but it also offers a variety of tones for users to choose from. Moreover, the extension supports all languages, making it a truly multilingual tool. Users simply need to select the tone they desire for their comment and let Engage AI work its magic.


  • Auto-generate in-depth LinkedIn comments.
  • Offer a variety of tones for comments.
  • Support comment generation in all languages.
  • User-friendly interface that's easy to navigate.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Engage AI ChatGPT Plugin?


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