Podcast Search - Your Assistant for Podcast Discovery

Podcast search

This tool explores podcasts from PodcastIndex.org, a platform for decentralized audio content discovery.


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Podcast Search is a powerful ChatGPT plugin that helps users explore podcasts from PodcastIndex.org, a platform for decentralized audio content discovery. Whether you are a loyal listener of podcasts or looking for new podcasts to listen to, Podcast Search can assist you. Simply enter the title of the podcast you are interested in, and Podcast Search will provide you with a list of related podcasts and podcast episodes.


  • Get Podcast List: Enter the title of the podcast to get a list of related podcasts.
  • Get Podcast Episodes List: Enter the title of the podcast to get a list of episodes of the podcast.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Prodcast Search ChatGPT Plugin?


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