DM Tool Kit: Your Essential Tool for Role-Playing Games

DM Tool Kit

App for rolling dice using the d20 or Fate/Fudge systems.


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DM Tool Kit is a ChatGPT plugin designed specifically for role-playing games. It provides a powerful dice rolling tool that supports the d20 system and Fate/Fudge system. Whether you're embarking on an exciting adventure or creating a complex character, DM Tool Kit has the dice rolling functionality you need. It is designed to be user-friendly and suitable for both beginners and experienced players.


  • Basic dice rolling, such as "4d6" (roll 4 six-sided dice).
  • Dice rolling with modifiers, such as "1d20+4" (roll one twenty-sided die and add 4).
  • Advantage and disadvantage dice rolling, such as "1d20adv" (roll two twenty-sided dice and take the higher result).
  • Multi-part dice expressions, such as "2d6+1d4" (roll two six-sided dice and one four-sided die, then add the results).
  • Drop highest/lowest dice rolling, such as "4d6kh3" (roll 4 six-sided dice and keep the highest 3).
  • Fate system dice rolling, such as "4dF" (roll four Fate dice).
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the DM Tool Kit ChatGPT Plugin?


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