Datasheet.Chat: Intelligent Solution for Electronic Components Datasheet


Gateway to interactive, and intelligent chat with any electrical components datasheet.


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Datasheet.Chat is a ChatGPT plugin designed specifically for interactive and intelligent conversations around electronic component datasheets. It assists users in accessing detailed information and substitute lists for electronic components, providing data support for risk analysis and forecasting of electronic products. Datasheet.Chat is committed to safeguarding user privacy, and all data uploaded to the Datasheet.Chat platform remains the property of the users. Datasheet.Chat will not share or sell this data to any third parties. Additionally, Datasheet.Chat implements reasonable measures to ensure the security of customer data, including technical and organizational safeguards.


  • Query Part Details (queryPartDetail): Users can input a product number to retrieve detailed information about the corresponding electronic component.
  • Query Part Replaces (queryPartReplaces): Users can input a product number to obtain a list of substitute components for the specified electronic part.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Datasheet.Chat ChatGPT Plugin?


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