Crypto Price Checker - Cryptocurrency Price Query Tool

Crypto Price Checker

A Crypto Prices app that takes a pair of crypto or fiat tickers and returns the current price of the pair.


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Crypto Price Checker is a ChatGPT plugin for real-time querying of cryptocurrency and fiat currency prices. It takes a pair of crypto or fiat tickers and returns the current price. Just provide the tickers and the app will return the current price. USD will be used as ticker_to in case no value is passed. For example, inputting BTC and USD will return the price of BTC-USD. This plugin is developed by SmoothPlugins, providing a convenient and quick price query tool for cryptocurrency investors.


  • Real-time query of cryptocurrency and fiat currency prices.
  • Supports queries of various cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Crypto Price Checker ChatGPT Plugin?


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