Puzzle Constructor - Add Fun to Your Vocabulary Games

Puzzle Constructor

A tool for creating crosswords. You can create crosswords from words and hints.


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Puzzle Constructor is a ChatGPT plugin designed specifically for creating crosswords. It can generate crosswords based on the words and hints you provide, and also offers an optional grid_size to create larger crosswords. The power of this plugin lies in its flexibility and innovation. Whether you want to challenge your vocabulary knowledge or create personalized games for friends or family, Puzzle Constructor can meet your needs. Its use is very simple, just provide words and corresponding hints, and you can generate a complete crossword.


  • Create Crosswords: Generate crosswords by providing words and corresponding hints.
  • Adjust Game Size: Provide an optional grid_size to create larger crosswords.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Puzzle Constructor ChatGPT Plugin?


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