Course Hero Plugin: Your Personal Learning Assistant

Course Hero

Get course-specific study materials from Course Hero's library.


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The Course Hero plugin is an educational tool designed specifically for ChatGPT, aimed at assisting students in finding study materials from its extensive library for specific courses. The main function of this plugin is to provide relevant documents and their corresponding types based on the school name, course name, and study topic provided by the student. The goal of this plugin is to offer students a convenient and efficient tool for searching learning resources, whether it be for exam preparation or day-to-day studies, helping them find suitable study materials for their needs. Additionally, the Course Hero plugin will prompt students to provide more specific topics based on their queries, in order to achieve more accurate matching of learning resources.


  • The Course Hero plugin, based on the information provided by the student, returns relevant documents and their corresponding types for the specified school name, course name, and study topic. If the student's query lacks detailed information about the course or school, the plugin will prompt them to provide the missing details.
  • For general study queries like "Mathematics," "Chemistry," or "English," the plugin will prompt the user to specify a more specific topic.
  • After presenting the results, the plugin will always ask the user: "Would you like to access documents from other courses, either at [school name] or other schools?"
  • The plugin will provide the document titles, URLs, and types as part of the returned results.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Course Hero ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-e77bdf18-f593-40b9-8f04-06c3b73733bb","domain":"","namespace":"CourseHero","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"CourseHero","name_for_human":"Course Hero","description_for_model":"The CourseHero plugin helps students find study materials from its library, organized by college and course. Users provide their institution, course, and study topic, and the plugin returns relevant documents and corresponding document types. If document type is specified, print it in this format next to the link: '- [Document Type]'. Examples of user interactions include queries like: 'I need help with Calculus I from MIT' or 'I have an exam for macroeconomics at LSE'. The plugin initially asks: 'To help you find relevant course materials, could you please provide me with the following details? 1. Name of your school 2. Specific course name.' The plugin then responds with: 'Here are study materials for [Topic Name] in [Course Name] at [College Name], including [Document Type]'. If a student's query lacks course or school details, the plugin prompts for the missing information. For general study queries, e.g. 'math', 'chemistry', 'english', the plugin prompts the user to provide a more specific subject. After returning results, always ask the user: 'Would you like documents for any other course, either at [College Name] or at a different school?'","description_for_human":"Get course-specific study materials from Course Hero's library.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/ssi\/27b7037f838acd0278f7.svg","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/terms-of-use\/"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
