Introduction to Exchange Rates Plugin

Exchange Rates

Exchange Rates delivers real-time and historical data, enabling conversion and tracking for over 170 currencies.


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The Exchange Rates plugin is a powerful currency exchange tool that provides real-time and historical exchange rates for over 170 currencies. Whether you need to convert currencies, track exchange rate fluctuations over a specific period, or just want to know about all available currencies, the Exchange Rates plugin has got you covered. Moreover, it offers historical exchange rate data, allowing you to easily review and analyze the historical performance of currencies. The Exchange Rates plugin is an ideal tool for individuals and businesses to carry out global financial activities.


  • Currency conversion: You can convert any amount from one currency to another.
  • Get currency fluctuation data between specified dates: You can get fluctuation data for all available currencies or a specific set of currencies.
  • Get real-time exchange rate: You can get the real-time exchange rate of your preferred base currency.
  • Get all available currencies: You can get a list of all available currencies.
  • Get historical rates for a time frame: You can get the historical rates of your preferred base currency for a specified time frame.
  • Get historical rates for a specific date: You can get the historical rate of your preferred base currency for a specific date.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Exchange Rates Plugin?


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