Converter App - Real-time Currency Conversion, File Conversion, PDF Handling

Converter App

Convert currencies or files like images and videos from web links and Google Drive to other formats, or work with PDFs.


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Converter App is a powerful ChatGPT plugin that can perform real-time currency conversion, file conversion, generate exchange rate charts, handle PDF files, and more. Whether it's web links or files in Google Drive, Converter App can handle them with ease. It supports a variety of file formats, including images, videos, PDFs, etc., to meet a variety of user needs. In addition, Converter App also has text extraction and summarization functions, which can help users quickly understand complex text content. With Converter App, you can interact with ChatGPT more efficiently and improve your work efficiency.


  • Real-time currency conversion: Users can input an amount in one currency and get the equivalent in another currency.
  • File conversion: Supports converting files from web links and Google Drive (such as images and videos) to other formats.
  • Generate exchange rate charts: Users can select two currencies and generate an exchange rate chart over a period of time.
  • Handle PDF files: Supports splitting PDFs, extracting specific pages from PDFs, etc.
  • Text extraction and summarization: Users can input a URL of a PDF document, and the plugin will generate a summary of the document's content.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Converter App ChatGPT Plugin?


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