Introduction to Outschool Plugin


Search for top-quality online classes and teachers on Outschool.


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The Outschool plugin is an online education tool provided for ChatGPT users. It helps users search for top-quality online classes and teachers on the Outschool platform. Outschool is a company based in San Francisco, USA, specializing in providing an online marketplace for children's virtual courses. With the Outschool plugin, users can choose the most suitable courses and teachers according to their needs and schedule. Whether learning new skills or enhancing existing knowledge, the Outschool plugin offers a wealth of choices. In addition, the Outschool plugin supports various search conditions such as age, course type, teacher, etc., enabling users to find the courses they need more accurately.



  • Search for online classes: Users can search for online classes on the Outschool platform based on keywords.
  • Search for online teachers: Users can search for online teachers on the Outschool platform.
  • Filter courses by age: Users can filter suitable courses based on the age of the child.
  • Filter courses by course type: Users can filter courses based on the type of course (such as one-time courses, ongoing courses, semester courses, etc.).
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Outschool ChatGPT Plugin?


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