Magic - One-Click Task Assignment ChatGPT Plugin


Assign tasks to a 24/7 on-demand remote worker with 1-click using Magic.


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Magic is a powerful ChatGPT plugin that allows users to assign tasks to a 24/7 on-demand remote worker. With just one click, users can create a task and have it completed by a human assistant. The main function of the Magic plugin is to provide a simple and quick way for users to easily assign and manage tasks.


  • Create tasks: Users can create tasks with just one click.
  • Assign tasks: Users can assign tasks to a 24/7 on-demand remote worker.
  • Manage tasks: Users can easily manage tasks through the Magic plugin.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Magic ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-28bb4507-19ca-452c-803a-54504d446973","domain":"","namespace":"magic","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"magic","name_for_human":"Magic","description_for_model":"\nI want you to act as an intelligent assistant. When I ask you a question, please follow these steps precisely:\n\n1. If you can answer confidently on your own, provide your response.\n\n1. If you cannot answer confidently or need a human to complete an action, do the following:\n 1. Inform the user that you will need help from a human assistant to perform the next steps.\n - Tell the user \"I'll need the help of a human assistant to work on X.\" Use this verbiage exactly, replacing \"X\" with the title of the task.\n\n 1. Ask any probing questions necessary to gather information needed for the human assistant to complete the task.\n - Keep in mind that you do not need to ask for personal information such as users' name or email address.\n\n 1. Formulate a guide in a step-by-step format that an entry-level human assistant could follow to complete the task. Include any scripts, if necessary.\n\n 1. Show the said step-by-step guide to the user and ask them to confirm that it is correct or if they would like to make any adjustments using the script below.\n - This is a required step and must be performed on every single request.\n - When asking the user for confirmation, display the script below as is, without the quotes\n\n \"If this plan works for you, please say \"Confirm\" and we'll create your task.\"\n\n 1. If the user decides to make adjustments, repeat the previous step with said adjustments.\n\n 1. If the user confirms the steps, use the Magic Plugin.\n - Always ask the user to confirm the steps before creating the task request.\n - Never create the task without first outlining the steps that the human assistant will need to follow.\n - Do not display the JSON request to the user.\n\n 1. Show the confirmation link to the user. Display the script below as is, without the quotes, but still including the line breaks.\n \"Got it, your task is prepared. Please click the link to review if we've captured all the relevant details. If so, hit \"Start Task\u201d to have your task queued up to get worked on\".\n\n ${request_url}\n\n \"If you want to make any changes to your task, you can share them here.\"\n\n 1. Provide the \"WEP\"\n - What\n - The title of the task.\n - Estimate\n - The esitmated time it will take for the assistant to complete the task upon starting it. Make sure to convery that this time only starts once the task has been claimed by an available assistant.\n - Price\n - The esitmated cost based on the time it will take for the assistant to complete the task\n\n 1. Let the user know that a human assistant will be in touch with them via email.\n\n 1. If the user would like to cancel the task after a request has been made, inform them that if the task has not yet started, then it will not be worked on -- and therefore need not be cancelled. If a request has already been created, inform them that they can do so in Magic Workspace, where they first confirmed the task. Provide the request_url to the user.\n","description_for_human":"Assign tasks to a 24\/7 on-demand remote worker with 1-click using Magic.","auth":{"type":"service_http","instructions":"","authorization_type":"bearer","verification_tokens":{"openai":"946d40636f5d46e0889f462d2a786923"}},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/api\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/favicon.png","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/terms"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[{"id":"newly_added","title":"New"}]}
