Introduction to Chainstack Plugin


Enables natural language interaction with EVM blockchains using Chainstack's infrastructure.


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Chainstack is a powerful ChatGPT plugin provided by Chainstack Labs. It allows users to interact with different EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) based blockchains using Chainstack's infrastructure through natural language interaction. Whether you are a blockchain developer or a user interested in blockchain technology, Chainstack can provide you with convenient services.


  • Get the latest block number: Users can query the latest block numbers of blockchains such as Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Gnosis, etc.
  • Query account balance: Users can query the balance of a specified account on different blockchains.
  • Get base gas fee: Users can query the base gas fee of different blockchains.
  • Call blockchain methods: Users can call specific methods of a specified blockchain, such as getting the number of transactions, getting the number of block transactions, etc.
  • Hexadecimal and decimal conversion: Users can convert hexadecimal values to decimal and vice versa.
  • Wei and Ether conversion: Users can convert Wei values to Ether and vice versa.
  • ENS name resolution: Users can resolve ENS names to Ethereum addresses.
  • Get Token balances: Users can query the Token balances of a specified chain name and wallet address.
  • Get NFTs: Users can query all NFTs of a specified chain name and wallet address.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Chainstack ChatGPT Plugin?


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