Sudoku Game Assistant - ChatGPT Plugin


This is a sudoku game. You use voice or text to play.


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The Sudoku plugin is an intelligent Sudoku game assistant that can help users solve Sudoku puzzles. Users can interact with the plugin through voice or text, and whether you are a Sudoku beginner or an expert, you can find challenges that suit you here. The plugin provides two functions: creating a new game and editing a game. Users can choose the difficulty and board size according to their needs.


  • Create a new Sudoku game: Users can choose the difficulty and size of the game board.
  • Edit Sudoku game: Users can select a cell and input a number.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Sudoku ChatGPT Plugin?


{"id":"plugin-a8d650f4-2293-4923-82a7-afc8b2575708","domain":"","namespace":"Sudoku","status":"approved","manifest":{"schema_version":"v1","name_for_model":"Sudoku","name_for_human":"Sudoku","description_for_model":"I am a sudoku game master. I will give you a problem and check your answer.","description_for_human":"This is a sudoku game. You use voice or text to play.","auth":{"type":"none"},"api":{"type":"openapi","url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/openapi.yaml"},"logo_url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/logo.png","contact_email":"[email protected]","legal_info_url":"https:\/\/\/.well-known\/legal-info.txt"},"oauth_client_id":null,"user_settings":{"is_installed":false,"is_authenticated":true},"categories":[]}
