Export Chat to PDF: Easily Export Chat Records to PDF

Export Chat to PDF

I will export your chat conversation to a PDF file, ready for download and share.


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Export Chat to PDF is a powerful ChatGPT plugin provided by Botmakers, LLC. Its main function is to export users' chat conversations into PDF files, offering a convenient way to save and share chat discussions. Whether it's personal chat records or business meeting minutes, users can easily convert their chat messages into downloadable and printable PDF documents. Additionally, the plugin supports the ability to add extra conversation blocks to an existing PDF file, allowing users to organize and merge multiple chat sessions into one PDF. This way, no matter how lengthy your chat records are, they can be neatly preserved in a single file for easy reference and sharing.


  • Export Chat Conversations: Export users' chat conversations into PDF files.
  • Append to Existing File: Support adding additional conversation blocks to an existing PDF file.
  • Chunk Processing: Break down the chat records into smaller data chunks, with each data chunk not exceeding 250 words.
  • Provide Download Link: After processing is completed, return the download URL of the created PDF file.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Export Chat to PDF ChatGPT Plugin?


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