BlockAtlas - Your Tool for Searching and Visualizing US Census Data


Search the US Census! Find data sets, ask questions, and visualize.


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BlockAtlas is a powerful ChatGPT plugin that allows users to search and visualize US census data. The plugin is designed to make it easier for users to search US census data and helps them find the closest matching variables, such as median income. Users can obtain better results by querying specific information, such as "percentage of population with a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree." Additionally, BlockAtlas supports obtaining specific variables or a group of variables within one or more regions. While the plugin is in the early stages of development and may have some minor issues, it has made significant progress in providing powerful functionality.


  • Closest variable search: Users can find the closest matching variables by inputting queries that are semantically similar to the target variable. For example, if a user wants to query the median income for counties in Nebraska, they should adjust the query to "median income."
  • Map and data retrieval: Users can retrieve maps and data for specific variables or a group of variables within one or more regions. For instance, users can request data for "median income" and specify the location they want the data for, such as "Arlington, VA," "VA," or "US."
  • Data visualization: The BlockAtlas plugin also provides data visualization capabilities, allowing users to view the data through maps.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the BlockAtlas ChatGPT Plugin?


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