Ask Marcie - Bringing You the Latest Property Listings in Park City, Utah

Ask Marcie

For viewing house listings in Park City, Utah.


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Ask Marcie is a ChatGPT plugin specifically designed for the real estate market in Park City, Utah. It offers users a simple and intuitive interface, allowing them to easily search and view property listings. Whether you're looking for a new home, an investment property, or a vacation rental, Ask Marcie has got you covered. Its powerful search capabilities and user-friendly interface ensure that users can quickly find the listings they're looking for.


  • Search and view property listings in Park City, Utah.
  • Filter listings based on user preferences.
  • Provide detailed information about listings, such as address, number of bedrooms, and number of bathrooms.
  • Display only active listings.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Ask Marcie ChatGPT Plugin?


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