Introduction and Features of Forma Cloud ChatGPT Plugin

Forma Cloud

Learn how to drastically reduce your company’s cloud computing costs with the power of our automated solution.


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Forma Cloud ChatGPT is a powerful ChatGPT plugin that is part of Forma Cloud, specifically designed to assist enterprises in reducing their cloud computing costs. Forma Cloud is an automated cost-saving solution for cloud computing, known for its user-friendly interface, easy understanding, and effective management capabilities. The Forma Cloud ChatGPT plugin harnesses the robust functionalities of Forma Cloud and provides ChatGPT users with a direct connection to Forma Cloud, enabling them to obtain answers related to their business by asking specific questions.


  • Business Question Answers: The Forma Cloud ChatGPT plugin is capable of providing answers to business-related questions. Users simply need to pose their questions in the format of "question: [your specific question]?" and the plugin will provide the relevant answers.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the Forma Cloud ChatGPT Plugin?


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