Introduction to AIstrologer Plugin


Search for the horoscope for each zodiac sign for a specific date.


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AIstrologer is a unique ChatGPT plugin that provides horoscope predictions for different zodiac signs on specific dates. It's like having your personal pocket astrologer, whether you're interested in astrology or want to know how the stars might affect you or your loved ones. All you need to do is provide the zodiac signs and the dates you want to inquire about, and AIstrologer will provide the horoscope for that day. This plugin is the ideal tool for anyone interested in astrology, allowing you to stay updated with the latest horoscope information anytime, anywhere.


  • Provides horoscope predictions for different zodiac signs on specific dates.
  • Supports querying horoscope predictions for multiple zodiac signs and dates at once.


Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the AIstrologer ChatGPT Plugin?


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