AFinChat: Your A-share Stock Information and Analysis Assistant


Get information and analyze A-share stocks, but search for information only from China.


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AFinChat is a ChatGPT plugin designed specifically for investors and traders, providing abundant A-share stock information and analysis tools. This plugin focuses on Chinese information, helping users access the latest stock news, quotes, and financial reports. Whether you are an experienced investor or a novice exploring the stock market, AFinChat can offer valuable information and in-depth analysis to assist you in making wiser investment decisions.


  • Get Latest News: Input keywords (typically the stock name) to receive the latest news related to the specific stock.
  • Get Financial Reports: Input the company's stock code, company type, report type, and report date to retrieve the financial reports, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements from cninfo.
  • Get Stock Quotes: Input the company's stock code, adjustment flag, start date, end date, and frequency to obtain recent stock quotes for Chinese A-shares, including closing prices, trading volumes, and trading amounts.
Learn about the tutorial of this plugin:
How to Use the AFinChat ChatGPT Plugin?


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